Photos by Rome City Schools
All throughout the halls of Elm Street Elementary, students could be seen dressed in their patriotic regalia, getting excited as they geared up for a sensational event taking place in the gymnasium.
Rome High School’s Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (JROTC) were visiting the students in order to observe and help them learn more about Veteran’s Day.
Master Sergeant Keith Thrash, Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) at Rome High, traveled with the Rome High School Armed Drill Team (all male) and Un-Armed Drill Team (all female) as the cadets were to perform their drill routines for the eager Elm Street students attending.
Before beginning the presentation, Rome High School’s JROTC Color Guard presented the flags, as all students and other attendants stood to pay respect to our National Anthem.
MSgt Thrash then initiated the Veteran’s Day presentation by instructing the students on what the holiday is truly about.
“Veterans Day originated as Armistice Day and marked the end of hostilities of World War I that occurred at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month. Therefore, we annually recognize Veteran’s Day on November 11,” explained MSgt Thrash during his presentation.
The Rome High School Un-Armed Drill Team, consisting of all female cadets, took the floor first, as they performed their award winning 30 step routine for the crowd.
The RHS Armed Drill Team, consisting of all male cadets, received a ton of “ooh’s” and “ahh’s” as the cadets tossed their drill rifles back and forth to each other during their routine.
After showcasing their talents, Elm Street Principal, Laura Walley took the time to recognize all veteran’s wo were attending the presentation, leaving room for tons of applause.
“I am very proud of our cadets today. They did an amazing job, like always,” said MSgt Thrash.
“Elm Street always invites us out to speak and perform for the students during their Veteran’s Day presentations and we love it. It’s an amazing opportunity to let everyone know what it means to be a Veteran, as well as what it takes to be involved with JROTC,” said MSgt Thrash.
“We really appreciate the Rome High School Junior ROTC coming out to show our students some of the opportunities that lie ahead for them at Rome High School,” said Walley. “Master Sergeant Thrash did an excellent job at narrating the program for the students, so they were learning while they were watching. We are so thankful for them and for the veterans who have served our country.”
Happy Veteran’s Day, Wolves!