Under any circumstances, senior care is a job that requires a great deal of dedication. During a pandemic, providing high quality care to our most vulnerable citizens is of utmost importance. One of the individuals filling this vital role is Lanesha Daniel, a nurse at Rome Health and Rehab.
“At Rome Health and Rehab, the resident’s families are not being allowed to come into the facility to see them currently,” explains Daniel. “That is stressful for both the family and the resident. So, with us, the staff, developing relationships with them and being their familiar face in these trying times, we have become the closest people to them emotionally, aside from their family members.”

Rome Health and Rehab is working to provide additional level of safety and comfort to residents and staff alike. They have provided iPads and tablets for the residents to use in order to video chat with their family and friends, allowing the residents to maintain social contact and providing peace of mind for their loved ones who cannot visit in person. Members of the staff also have access to all of the personal protection equipment (PPE) required to complete their jobs while maintaining personal safety. Additionally, Rome Health and Rehab is providing staff members with a meal each day as a display of gratitude for all of their hard work. “They thank us for all that we do, all day every day,” says Daniel.
Although the staff and residents have not been immune to COVID-19, Rome Health and Rehab has utilized every resource at their disposal in order to prevent further spread and help the members of their community to recover. In a world full of uncertainty, providing comfort and care to those around us has never been more important, shares Daniel.
“Going in to work, seeing the residents, sharing a smile with them and knowing that we give them comfort, that’s satisfying for me,” Daniel says proudly. “What lifts my spirit and keeps me going, and I know it to be true of my coworkers as well, is the residents and their families. Honestly, whenever a resident’s family member calls and I hear that they get a sense of relief from hearing me answer their call, it is awesome. And then to have them say ‘Okay, I know my momma is okay cause you’re there with her’ just melts my heart. I know I am here to do something good. Then the conversation ends with ‘Thank you for everything you guys are doing to take care of everyone.’ The love, gratitude in the voices on the other end of the phone, the appreciation, it has all been tremendous.”