Three Rivers Nutrition, healthy eating, nutrition, healthy, affordable, local business, readv3

Casey Gray and Amanda DeWitt - Photos Andy Calvert

When Emma Rikel worked at a nutrition club during college, she got healthier and gained energy. She also fell in love with the community aspect of the business. “It was kind of like a club or a healthy bar where people would just hang out and be in a positive, fun, uplifting environment,” she says. “We could help people with meal plans or workout plans, and the community was so amazing that I wanted to put something like that in Rome. We had some healthy choices in Rome, but not a community for health and wellness.”

Three Rivers Nutrition was the result of this desire. All of the products at Three Rivers are from Herbal Life Nutrition, which Rikel says is the number one nutrition company in the world. 

“We researched them before we started this and could trust that this was something that I was comfortable consuming, that I could give my kids and my family, and we can know that it’s safe and high-quality,” she says. Three Rivers offers healthy shakes, herbal teas and supplements to help with aspects of health and nutrition such as weight, energy and sleep.

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Rikel and her husband opened Three Rivers in June of 2019 and have seen lots of support from the community. She says that business has been even busier during the pandemic because people have been more concerned about maintaining their health. “It’s well-rounded nutrition for everyone, it’s not specific to weight loss,” Rikel explains. 

“We can help customers lose weight if that’s what their health is needing, but we’ve just been able to really help people stay healthy during all of this.”

According to Rikel, one of the most common misconceptions people have about healthy eating is that it needs to involve slashing your calorie intake. “It’s actually super important to get enough calories for your body and enough protein for your body,” she says. Like the owners of Ideal Meals, Rikel wants everyone to know that adding healthier eating choices to a busy lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated. 

“There are really simple things that you can do to make your daily routines healthier,” she says. “Planning is a big thing. If you fail to plan, you basically plan to fail. We have to pack our snacks and our water for the day… that way we don’t get caught hungry without any healthy options around us.”


For more information on Three Rivers Nutrition and their offerings, visit their Facebook page: Three Rivers Nutrition @3threeriversnutrition