Photos Rome Refresh

Tell us how Rome Refresh came about?

Growing up as the daughter of an interior designer and a pastor, I’ve always been passionate about homes and people. I loved rearranging my room as a child. My college apartment was a cozy place to make people feel welcome, and it felt like my own little sanctuary. I have a keen eye for beauty and order and love for things to be efficient and aesthetically pleasing. I believe we are greatly affected by our physical environments, and I want my home to be a place of peace. When I became a mom five years ago, the typical overstimulation I would feel from clutter or junk doubled along with all the baby items. I realized I showed up better when I was organized! When my dear friend was pregnant with her third child, I offered to tackle her laundry room. We went through every junk drawer, old medicines, craft chaos, and piles of clothes and turned a jumbled mess into a functional space! The next day, she told me when her daughter asked her to play, she could easily say yes because she was not worried about the endless to-do’s. It brought me joy to help someone organize so that they could focus on what matters most.

What services do you offer?

We do it all! Rome Refresh offers decluttering, pare-down assistance, categorizing, sourcing or supplying optimal products, and setting up functional systems. I love to organize pantries, playrooms, offices, clothes closets, storage areas, and more. I also have begun boxing up and unpacking services for people moving. That is such a stressful process and people often feel frozen. I’d love to offer my energy and efficiency to help things feel a little bit smoother.  


Can you estimate how much time certain projects usually require?

Yes! During our initial communication, if a client provides a picture or two of the space, I am able to give them a ballpark amount of time and cost for organizing the space. I have seen it all, so there’s no need to feel embarrassed if it’s cluttered. I am very down-to-earth and nonjudgemental. Life happens, and you’re ready for a change, so I’m glad to help! A two-hour window of time is a great place to start. Some smaller areas may only take one while others can take three, or be a multi-day project. I charge by the hour.  

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Abby Edens

How do you approach a new project?

To begin I love to hear a client’s frustration with and hopes for their space. I ask about the different functions of the area so we can determine how it needs to work for them. Then the client and I work together to “edit” out any items that could be donated or relocated. People tend to be overwhelmed and don’t know where to start and that’s why I am there. I get excited– it’s like my brain sees the possibility! I do think organizing is an art. But anyone can learn! I am creative and hardworking and would love to help you transform your space. Every project has been so unique, but the comments from clients in a text the next day or their 5-star reviews are what inspire me most! Rome Refresh has. high return rate of clients. I love to see the domino effect of how organizing  

Congratulations on your first year in business! What have been some of your favorite projects, and what has surprised you?

Thank you! I knew Rome was such a sweet small town, but the community support and engagement have been so fun and encouraging! I love getting to know the client well, and I have a pretty quick read on when someone needs to be challenged or shown grace. Most need both, and I pride myself on offering a good balance. I am continually honored that people welcome me into their homes, with all of their beauty and mess, and trust me with their space and their stories. I’m always surprised by how much I SWEAT and how often I LAUGH! It is hard work, but it is fun and rewarding for me and the client.  

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What advice would you give to someone looking to declutter and get organized in the New Year? January is a great time of year to get organized as we transition from a season of being home for the holidays into spring cleaning! If the New Year has inspired you to get organized, the first step is to declutter! When we have too much unnecessary stuff in our homes, we cannot create a functional system. I recommend you start with one small space–your “junk” drawer! First, pull everything out and group it into categories. Next throw away the trash- old receipts, broken sunglasses? Bye! Relocate any items that have a permanent home somewhere else. Once you’ve sorted through the items, stop by Walmart and grab some drawer dividers so that everything has a place! A small step like this will give you momentum and inspire you to keep going in other areas of your house without getting overwhelmed. (If you are, call me!)  


How can readers learn more and book your services? 

Follow along on Instagram at @romerefresh to see my work and some transformative before and afters! Email Abby Edens at I’d love to chat about how I can help refresh your space and refresh your soul!  

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Elizabeth Blount Childers is a Berry grad with a degree in Visual Communication and Public Relations who has called Rome her adopted hometown since 2011. When she's not working at V3, she can usually be found throwing pottery or hanging out with her husband and their two cats.