v3, readv3, tammy barron

It’s been just weeks since the world turned upside down. The disruptionso encompassinghas made us all re-examine the way we approach our lives. This monster of a virus has two faces; one of fear and chaos as our front line heroes battle to save lives, the other stark and isolating. My experience is of the latterNo more soccer practice, weekend games, piano lessons, school commutes, doctor appointments, play dates, or shopping trips. The hectic scheduling has vanished, and in its wake a new possibility. 

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The pressure of it all ended so abruptly, I noticed immediately the worn out phrase, “Come on, let’s hurry. Gotta go!” completely erased from my vocabulary. Truthfully, I’m glad. In all this tragedy and loss, I hear a voice telling me to live my life differently; like an invitation to Take the time to listen more closely. Forget an agenda today, and enjoy each other. Every day we’ve been staying at home, I am awe struck by my kids, how bright and thoughtful little people they are. I hate to admit, but I wonder how long have I been in a daze rushing from one activity to another; not truly seeing and experiencing them. Distracted by the to-dos; I often forget to live in the moment. This moment is staring me in the face 24/7. 

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Two months in and counting, it’s been only an hour after since we wrapped up lessons for the day, and my son greets me with the dustiest, sweatiest hugs that leaves a little human print on my clothes. My daughter, is singing and cooing to the nest of newly hatched blue birds in the yard. It is completely possible that they love “Old Town Road” as much as she does. Together we have school, piano, and kickball tournaments. Our days are spent hunting arrowheads and salamanders. We talk about everything and nothing. Bless everyone in this uncertain time. For those luckiest to be home during this pandemic- enjoy all of the moments that are gifted; for being together really is a blessing.