the sweet mutt, readv3, v3, rome, ga

Photos Andy Calvert

The Inspiration

The recent need for isolation and social distancing has given many people the opportunity to pursue their own creative passions, and Bryan and Megan Patrick are no different. Now, they’re turning their “pet” project into a business.

Inspired by pet boutiques they visited on a trip to Savannah and their love for their own rescue dogs, Bryan and Megan set out to make their own gourmet dog treats. The ensuing business, The Sweet Mutt, offers a healthy, homemade alternative to store-bought dog treats.

“We really tried to filter out everything that wasn’t good for dogs and find healthier alternatives for them,” Bryan said.

The Patricks spent a few weeks researching and perfecting their recipe with the help of their in-home taste-testers, Oakley and Remington.
Bryan and Megan Patrick with Oakley and Remington

The Testing

“Anything our dogs wouldn’t eat, we were like ‘Okay, this one’s not good,” Megan said.

After about a month of trial and error, the Patricks were on their way to launching a business. In order to legally produce and sell these treats, they first had to send the treats for laboratory testing. The United States Agricultural Commission regulates the sale of dog treats, and treat vendors must have a special license to sell in Georgia. The Patricks received

“It was actually really surprising, when we did get them back, to see what our nutritional content was compared to the stuff you go pick up in the store,” Bryan said. “We’re a lot higher in protein and fiber than a lot of other treats are.”

The Success

The Sweet Mutt treats include wheat flour, peanut butter, oats, and other healthy ingredients.

“You can eat it,” Megan said. “It’s just like a really really dry cookie.”

To advertise their new business, Megan and Bryan gave samples to friends and family, who helped them by spreading the word. They also created a website, and social media pages for The Sweet Mutt, as well as sharing the information on their personal social media.

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